Dunno what enforcement is like in NY, but VA also requires front plates by law, but the luxury dealerships do NOT install front plates by default, because enforcement is so lax. I drove for five years without one before being ticketed for the first time (at which point I put on front plates).
Btw it was a non-moving violation, so no “points” and doesn’t affect insurance. $35 fine. Works out to $7 per year. IMO Virginia needs to either enforce it and up the penalty, or ditch the requirement. As it stands, it’s just an easy excuse for cops to pull someone as trawling / profiling.
No model of Tesla has a front license plate. It's supposed to be illegal here in Colorado to not have a front license plate, and all cars do. Except that Musk trash line of vehicles. Not sure how those get exempted.
We have regular Teslas in Britain and the EU and they all manage to fit front plates because they can’t leave the dealership without them. What’s the point of laws if they aren’t enforced?
Hey now, let's not be hasty. I myself was thinking generic clothing and mask, but why deny the fun of a little paintball action if someone is up for it?
About the front license plates thing: I live in Ohio & we no longer have to have plates in the front. In fact, the last few cars we obtained did not even have a way to put a front plate on. DMV only gives 1 plate at registration. So I wonder if it would be an issue if I drove to NY?
(Illegal for cars registered in NY. For all we know, the owner could be from North Carolina, where only one plate is required and it doesn't have to be on the front.)
Not in all states and if it’s registered in, what I would guess is Florida (IYKYK) - it’s perfectly legal … but also would still be a double fuck this car anyway? 🤔
This is a problem with basically every Tesla. The grill-less design has no factory plate mounts on the front, and owners don't want to drill the body or do other work-arounds. Seems weird to have a vehicle design flaw that prevents legal compliance in over half of US states.
Considered sharpies but lovely to see this is way better
As I always say at work, think of the next person.
Yeah, good luck with that