This right here could cause Cannon to link Vol II to Vol I. My bet is she grants Nauta and DeOliveira the extension on the 3 day injunction and bars both volumes from being released based on this reference to Vol II in Vol I.
Reposted from
Katie Phang
The DOJ does state that there are two references to “the Classified Documents” case in Vol. 1, but they don’t refer to or deal with Nauta and De Oliveira.
I am trying to keep up with the transition to Trump, but the anxiety is now causing me issues. My mental health is at risk. The pain he will put on others that his cult will love. So sad!
You have to give Cannon credit what a gamble she took. Ugly Aileen has bigger balls than either Biden or his whole Justice Department.
What are they going to do?
The convicted felon,is going to try and jail his enemies anyway.
Might as well go down a hero.
Garland will face immediate charges from a Trump DoJ if he doesn't follow her orders, plus they would use his doing so to make it illegal to report on.
If our legal system is a complete joke?
What you said.
Biden should just release them, test out that SCOTUS immunity, what can happen?
I will present it like a 7th grade book report
Which is saying something bc Cannon LITERALLY LET THE TRAITOR GO FREE 😬😬😬
Drop the FL cases & neutralize Cannon FFS!
Sotomayor is a 70yr old heavy smoker that travels with a medic!
She's going to croak in the next 4yrs & Trump gets another Justice.
7-2 majority
I though her interference ended
Biden can release the report.
Damnit - just do it.
I know that the Myth Busters managed to get a lead balloon to float, but it's not practical. This won't fly either, even in a MAGAt courtroom.
See you next Tuesday, indeed.
Garland needs to show some cajones.
Will there be any heroes in the fall of US democracy?
Maybe redact "the classified documents case"?
I'm sick to death of getting my hopes up with these ass clowns. They sold us all down the river and there's no way I'm going to tread water in order to wait for them.
Loose Cannon is off her skis and Garland needs to stop accepting her authority where she doesn't have any.
Increments that bit by bit added up to Here We Are