I’m willing to bet good money that if Garland releases Volume I of the Smith report, that people will still blame him instead of blaming SCOTUS.
Just a guess.
Just a guess.
Garland should have put Smith on this case the moment after he was sworn in.
The J6 committee and the public had to shame him into taking action, and by then, it was too late.
He knew how slow the US justice system works (especially for the rich)... and he did nothing.
No absolution.
So did the J6 select committee, but without subpoena power without going nuclear with inherent contempt.
DA Willis, before she was dragged all over the internet and cable news.
There's no excuse.
Merrick Garland failed.
There is no special protection for insurrection for presidents in S. Korea.
Two years was too late a start. We needed a prosecutor.
Garland is different. People did have hopes and expectations for him.
Shit is faker than pro-wrestling.
Here we go…?
Talk about moving the goalposts.
(No, it’s not *all* on Garland, but…)
The American people demand accountability.
The American people deserve that justice will be served.
SCOTUS ruling on immunity represented an insult.
Both played a part in undermining democracy,
Many people pulled levers for him.
Garland or no, there is only justice for the wealthy.
On the MAL case why not direct local US Attorney to dismiss the remaining charges and then release Vol. 2 of the report?
Secret documents (allegedly) and then decide to run for president again (in order to stay out of prison)…We wouldn’t even be dealing with this.
Can’t we blame both?
I place much blame on the legal profession generally. In the past 2 + years I've shared this (or a prior version of it) with Ms. Gill, et. al., but it hasn't garnered any serious consideration, or response.
Hope that clears it up!
Fuck garland, he screwed us
Same strategy as ins companies
But I don’t expect him to do anything so daringly legal-but-strategic (gasp!😱) — as Trump uses every legal-but-strategic move imaginable to bring democracy to its knees
More than sad, it is a reportorial travesty.
Thanks for your terrific, stalwart efforts.
👍 🙏🙏🙏 👍
Blame whoever you want.
Trump beat the entire U.S. justice system and is now president .
No justification will ever be sufficient for this absolute fuck up!
She is quoting Dean Obeidallah in blaming Garland.
Bitch please….
Nothing. We're just fucked I guess.
1) He waited far too long. He could have prosecuted long before the election.
2) He never even bothered to test the immunity defense.
Yes, blame Garland. Blame Alito. Blame Smith.
Blame them all.
Let's find out.
Just a guess.