NEW: the link to the OPM memo that rescinded all Civil Service Protections and demanded agencies submit positions for schedule F now says PAGE NOT FOUND. But the PDF link still works:
I hope the lawyers at federal employees unions have been working out. They’re going to need all the stamina they can muster.
The list is long & they’re all in,
fucking-up everything they touch. FSCOTUS & FDJT
It's time folks!
What a mess!
Presidential records act..
Martha's post-it note.
13 page memo. I will send my Reps in Congress a copy. OTP vp
did they drop this or are they trying to hide it?
Zeig Heil!!
Zeig Heil!!!
He is stealing from us
... closing the barn door after the horses have escaped...
... building the dike after the flood has swept everything away!
The deaths have occurred,
the barn is now burning,
and nothing is left to salvage!
People can request to remove private webpages or social media posts from but doubt they can remove government documents. So this is quasi-permanent
I would like to hear opinions on whether this👇 joke opening is in fact T💩's 2025 project's way to get around any legal pushback on their Schedule F 🐂💩
& T💩ers can make up 'DEI charges' against 💙 people so....
.... they can be fired for cause?
Trump doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and is getting worse every day.
Although Musk is the same, just nit as ugly.
These distractions are part of the Plan.