This is what I was talking about last week.
Reposted from
Alt CDC (they/them)
HHS has ordered CDC to stop its influenza vaccine “Wild to Mild” media campaign. This is an award-winning campaign that effectively explains how influenza vaccine may not prevent infection but does decrease illness severity. We are currently having one of the worst influenza seasons in 15 years.
What is the end game?
Seriously, I don’t get the war on #vaccines.
Trump #45 abolished Obama's Pandemic Response Office as one of his very first acts.
How was the idiot even aware of the PRO? He was told to abolish it. Because his puppet masters & he planned the covid pandemic. Trump et al intentionally released covid upon us.
Join our community Orientation this Thursday at 9 PM CST!
Now he plans to release more pandemics after dismantling any govt response.
Then when people get violent toward him over it, martial law.
But martial law - we’re definitely heading toward that & Trump wants it.
But then what?
Ironic that those holding these views are probably the first to be vaccinated.
As Noah did, leave the ignorant heathens who refuse to vaccinate “drown as they bang on the door for rescue”.
We can’t save MAGA brain-dead zombies.
Let the Darwin Awards do its work.
“In the widely viewed clip, Gibson also touts drinking hydrochloride and methylene blue as supposed cures for cancer.”
Let the herd go.
Herd Immunity is dead under Trump and RFK Jr.
You can only protect your family.
Thoughts on “saving the herd, or everyone else” must be set aside.
We are literally on our own.
Yes, many will suffer.
But that is now our grim dark reality.
There is nothing more you can do, than protect yourselves and loved ones.
“The Herd” has gone rabid and cannot be saved.
RFK Jr will tell the public to go barefoot, and drink blue fabric dye.
Let the MAGAts “drown”.
But I'm not going to.
What I am going to do is make sure me and mine keep all vaccinations up-to-date.
People are not stupid. Ignorant, yes, but being susceptible to a DEATH illness, does change minds.
fuck all the way off
But hey, supplements, heroin and parasites will help.
Their you tube channel got recent big boost in subscribers-
From Deadline: White House: “A Valentine’s Day Massacre”, Feb 18, 2025
For our country to be great, that is the attitude we need, not the current one of monkeys throwing feces by the republicans.
They are seriously evil and juvenile enough…
Even a small reduction in severity might make a huge
difference between
life or death in some of the sick or elderly.
Or are we slated for
extinction ?
Use a different pronoun but make something new with better understanding.
Use something like “biun” short for bi unitary or maybe use “unbi” for unitary bi etc. Create something new. Yes I’m serious.
While getting rid of people, not like them.
You know, not rich, not white, they have to go. TRUMP REPUBLICANS 2025 Russias Best.
What other explanation could there be?
RFK Jr. is a soon to be mass murderer and every Republican will be an accessory during and after fact.
I truly believe his plan is to thin the Herd of the lower & middle class. Anyone who can't afford treatment for whatever they catch or sickness they come down.
I see it as mass murder on auto pilot.
People voted for it. He can do what he likes.
Sadly, we ARE the government & this reflects what America has devolved into & who we have become…
We are traveling to Greece on a tour this spring and I’m terrified because Europe and our allies hate us.
It would be on point Ruth their ethos... and also vile and barbaric.
2. Freeze all unnecessary spending.
3. Get your flu shots ASAP.
4. Buy arms if you don't already have them.
5. Take your name off of all social media accounts.
6. Only keep enough cash in your bank to cover weekly expenses.
7. Keep your gas tanks full
MAGA is not listening.
MAGA spreads sh*t like fertilizer.
MAGA does not care what you say.
( we need law enforcement that works )
Not having current information about threats to public health is dangerous, is my point of view. OTP vp
This way it’s like they are not really happening. And Trump isn’t responsible for dealing with these issues.
It’s an unbelievably naive way to manage a crisis. By denying it’s ever happening.
It’s, Nanna nanna boo boo philosophy.
PSA: It’s not too late to get the vaccine, people.
Back to normal now! ❤️
All of this is a war on the American public.
sent my husband to get Mucinex 3 stores are out ...the phlegm is so bad cough all night cough all day...I had to go on the hated Amazon and order it...for me day 8
Why? Because people die. Because mild symptoms are better than being miserable, severely ill, or missing weeks of work or school.
But morons are gonna moron. Including this administration. So...
Doing away with FEMA & putting farmers out of business, aka land grabbing, is the cruel plan.
Taking away your books--make America illiterate & ignorant, is the cruel plan.
On and On....... 922 pages of Project2025
They want a populous in turmoil
This way they can gain further control
Each wants it for different ends, but right now they work in unison
We cannot let them control us
That’s what they both want