People don’t get it! They think nothing will change. They think Trump is saving them tons of $$ little do they know they will pay! In many ways like their 401k, medicare food prices. The pain is coming.
Thieves,robbers don’t want 2be stopped by the police, law! So they get rid of police officers, law enforcement and burn down the police station! The felon in WH’s actions say it all, speak louder than words! He wants a lawless country and that’s what America will become if not removed from WH now!
The guard rails long gone.
Shredding docs at usaid, ice gone rogue, doges got the keys, free speech gone, flooding the zone? Why? Whats the real move they dont want us to see?
Destroy existing gov, create AI/crypto billionaire nationstates, turn unusefuls into biodiesel, spawn new biodiesel. Just dystopian stuffs.
Don’t know why they hate USA so much. I always thought we were pretty beautiful. Ima keep fighting tho. Cuz I like us & think we’re worth fighting for
Somebody should really start a « real time Trump Corruption Index » and post all the daily « receipts ». I remember the Pinocchio score for lies but now we are way past lies count : We are in gross treasonous kleptocracy.
All part of the project to gut the establishment of oversight powers then let the pirates loose on the public - if no change soon no USA just a rogue state…
Their end goal is to break America, dismantle everything that makes powerful. Yes, even our sprit to fight back. Dismantle the government, corrupt the legal system, cower and strip our congress and Senate its power. They are successfully bringing America to its knees and we do nothing!
Have they even attempted to provide a rationale for wanting to hamstring the government's ability to investigate, prevent, or even compile statistics on crime, disease, disasters, illiteracy...
Not surprised. They cut EPA oversight and let states/companies inspect themselves. That's part of the reason the grid kept falling in TX, a train went off the rails, etc. They will remove all oversight and Americans will suffer and die.
Shredding docs at usaid, ice gone rogue, doges got the keys, free speech gone, flooding the zone? Why? Whats the real move they dont want us to see?
Don’t know why they hate USA so much. I always thought we were pretty beautiful. Ima keep fighting tho. Cuz I like us & think we’re worth fighting for
Is it working???
All of them can be and many have been bought and bribed, it's now legal.
Your government has totally gone third world and has aligned with Putin.
Welcome to 'The Golden Age'.
A TSUNAMI of citizens is the ONLY way out!
Just sayin'
Your attitude is the result of the way you think and feel.
You communicate your attitude constantly with those around you.
Create a positive attitude, filled with good feelings, and even just your presence will do wonders in all situations.
"Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Now let's see, 18% of $3.1B public works contract is..."
& the court system in general nullified the emoluments clause, as if there were no legal principle of interpretation requiring giving words effect.
He's chopping it up and selling it to the most corrupt, highest bidder.
We are literally going to fully mirror Russia in 2 or 3 more months.
And nobody will hold him accountable in any way.
... and then they make it tax free.
That way he can profit from the "service fees", too!!!