Anyone playing along with this illegal coup is complicit. Any Dem that votes on this fucking disaster budget (like this stupid fuckface: should be treated just like the criminals that wrote it. Support their primary challengers, and make sure everyone knows that they are traitors.
Advice from a Canadian to the Dems in the US: elbows up and shut it down! Show your constituents that you are actually against the dumpster fire that’s taking over your country.
People talk about wapo is awful now and we need to unsubscribe and everything and then the next thing you know 2 days later they're posting articles from wapo.
If they don't fucking know by now what they should be doing, they are DINOs. We all know who they are and they should be voted out of office as soon as possible.
It is the Washington Post with their great dividing headline after all. Not saying Dems aren’t struggling, and they should not be, but the Post has an agenda.
Democrats have a hell of a lot more to worry about than the government shutting down this week. Lack of any action by the Democrats is going to cause them to lose midterm elections and give donOLD tRump a super majority in Congress. Shut it down. Shut the whole thing down.
I don't know if it does any good but I do it. My area code is not from where I currently live anyway. I have not been asked if I am a constituent. I do understand that some will ask.
I still don't get how they don't understand this. It's like they want another great depression or war or something, just so they can say "I told you so" instead of averting disaster.
I just don’t understand this need for bipartisanship from the democrats to just sit there and doing nothing why democracy is on life support it’s maddening I’m not even American and everything in me is screaming at them just do something anything you can not be this pathetically stupid and the 🪧👕🤬🤯🫣
Folks - these guys suck and wont do what's needed which is bring the US to her knees and make the entire US shut down. So why aren't we doing this? All we need to do is sit around and literally do NOTHING. No work. No play that uses money. No buying. No complying. Spread the word.
Show some GD backbone…think about what the Republicans, or Cons’ would do if the situation were reversed…answer, in case you need help, they would shut-er-down and blame you, the Democrats…clear?
Are the democrats alive? It's like they've all disappeared. In most countries the moment a new government starts the opposite party starts making noise to challenge it. The US has Trump going full dictator and the Dems do... what? They should be shouting, taking the streets, obstructing, rebelling!
They aren’t divided. It’s all theater before they vote in favor. This crap has been going on for weeks. It started with the farce confirmation hearings. Democrats are not going to help us. They have been paid not to. That is why they haven’t done a thing. Where are they?? Counting their cash
Vote 🗳️ NO. Those minions of the felon did it to the Democrats all during President Obama and Biden. They did not care what the public thought. If we are going to fight for the rights of all US citizens then the Democrats need to take a stand and hold firm.
Yes, the government will shut down if it's not passed. The government is already shutting down and will be bankrupt in a year if the DOGE cuts and tax cuts go through.
If they vote for the end of Medicare and Medicaid, they will go down in flames with the GOP. The government isn't functioning as it is so just finish it off. Shut it down until the Republicans get their act together
Oh this is where our Democrats shine like tin under an unforgiving sun. They will show you exactly how hard it is for them to have a backbone. We are so in need of another option to vote for🙄🙄
I called both Sens this am. Hear me when I say it is a stab in the back to “work with” the gop. They have a majority, if their spending is so popular they can pass it w/o Dems. I depend on VA/SoSec, but will take shutdown over bending to authoritarianism.
We DIDN’T elect Elon Musk and need to realize giving Musk until September to DESTROY America is unacceptable
P.S. why do House Members get to work 2 days a week and go home?
I'm pissed at golden for voting for it. But I'm really torn about this because it affects me and my family very deeply if it's not passed. Fed workers have been thru hell the last few weeks and not passing a CR meanseven more ⬆️ stress, possible furlough, and closer to RIF. This is our livelihood.
I'm more upset that they let it come down to the wire yet again, can't do their jobs to pass a damn budget without horrible inhumane cuts in it, within a reasonable amount of time, and resort to childish tactics to bully and push thru. And dems just rolling over and taking it. This system is broken
You need to rightfully blame the Republicans. They are out destroying peoples livelihoods and just making your country worse. You can have short term inconvenience by a shutdown or suffer the consequences later when your programs or jobs you rely on are cut.
Also, do you know what happens when they delay this? Like within agencies? Essentially, everyone has to scramble to borrow from one project to pay Paul until appropriations are restored. It messes up the books royally, everyone scrambles so that colleagues get paid. Talk about govt inefficiencies?
If congress could just stop putting garbage partisan shit on their basic budget and funding bills, they would save a ton of waste right there, allow feds to to their jobs instead of worrying about furlough every single year while congress lets it come down to the minute every damn time in a panic.
Its not short term inconvenience. This is the first STEP in cutting existing fed jobs. Yes, it's Republicans fault. But you're talking about hundreds of thousands of federal employees already holding on by a thread, being furloughed and not paid until congress feels like getting their shit together.
Me: "We can do it a lot faster and a lot more efficiently by just not voting for the bill and it'll die. Then government will shut down. Same results you want, right? Happy?"
The fact that they aren't unified on this matter is proof none of them are up to the task, and that they all need a serious primary challenge. Every. Single. One.
I say this as someone who would face significant negative consequences in the event of a government shutdown. Fighting for democracy is more important to me. Why isn't it to congressional Democrats?
I literally just got off the phone with both Durbin & Duckworth's offices, asking for NO votes on both cloture and the Republican spending plan. It took HOURS to get thru to them, because their phones are being jammed with calls like mine. 😊
No. We can’t. I can’t break news without a source. This was the only source available when the news broke. There may be more now, but if you want the news, I have to cite the only source when it breaks.
If you want to judge me for citing a source, probs best not to follow me.
You’re not being intellectually honest. I’m judging the continued driving of traffic to a known oligarch who has announced he is now steering the coverage of his outlet toward MAGA. If you don’t like people asking you not to do that, probs best not to have a public account. and have full mailboxes. I guess they are turning into Republicans who don't want to hear from their constituents.
Dems need to shut this fascists admin down. Republicans either need to man up and admit that fascism is they want or start to act like Americans. They can’t be both.
“No Bueno” Cruz and “Silly” Cornyn are our Texas Senators
and Donald gave them the thumbs up treatment and they ride them ever since, the treatment with special kisses.
Done. Tammy Duckworth’s office accepted my call and listened to my plea to vote against the GOP plan. Dick Durbin, neanwhile, refused to take calls, announcing he’s busy and call back.
Just left messages for Hickenlooper and Bennet. Everyone in Colorado needs to call these two and demand NO votes on the Repub CR. They are both uncommitted to a NO vote atm.
Hickenlooper (202) 224-5941; Bennet (202) 224-5852. Both voice mailboxes are currently open. #ColoradoDemocrats #Colorado
Why are we funding waste fraud and abuse? King Elmo says he estimates he’s found $700 billion dollars worth! Maybe arrest someone? Don’t send them another $700 billion?
Not to be “that guy,” but if Democrats don’t give the 7 votes needed, they will be blamed (rightly, for a change) for the shutdown. This will make for huge headwinds in the midterms.
If I needed a ham sandwich in order to live & someone enrolled me in a jelly of the month club instead, I wouldn't accept it. I'd pick up the phone & tell them that a jelly club is not a ham sandwich 🇺🇲
I tried. I know both my Senators will vote NO. My Maine child said "can't you go one week without politics?" (and her job is wholly dependant on Medicaid) and when last I spoke to the W PA child (Medicaid recipient) they told me "both sides r the same" and they voted for Jill Stein. huh...
Meanwhile Democrat Senators "We just don't know what our people want. We should probably play along though. It's the polite thing to do."
The do-nothing Democrats from the 90s and Bush-the-Younger's Era are back
The ball is in their court, don't cave.
If they fear being blamed, then fix the pathetic nonexistent messaging strategy. Get in the fight!
I thought there was a natural consequence to the actions of their owner and we all had made other decisions for where to drive internet traffic.
People talk about wapo is awful now and we need to unsubscribe and everything and then the next thing you know 2 days later they're posting articles from wapo.
Let it sink quicker so we can get to fixing it
Can't fire people or pay Elon or buy the dogebandits idea bedding if we're about down, right?
Thank you
END Direct Deposit
END Telephone Services
… This is outrageous
The damage Musk and his minions will do to the federal government and uninterrupted - without any federal workers - is off the charts concerning -
On what point are they undecided?
Which Republicans are planning to vote no thereby requiring Democrats to vote yes?
In truth, there is no government to save.
MAGA have violently attacked our Capitol and filled our government with grifters & fascists.
If Democrats help MAGA out of this mess, we'll know America is dead.
I called my Senators, but one of them is named Thom, and his staff tend to hang up on me.
Yes, the government will shut down if it's not passed. The government is already shutting down and will be bankrupt in a year if the DOGE cuts and tax cuts go through.
P.S. why do House Members get to work 2 days a week and go home?
Me: "We can do it a lot faster and a lot more efficiently by just not voting for the bill and it'll die. Then government will shut down. Same results you want, right? Happy?"
A) Vote "yea" and tell YOUR constitutes you don't give a sh!t about THEM
B) Vote "nay" and tell the small portion of the population that hates YOU that YOU'RE NOT a spineless/feckess hack
Kinda an easy choice
You care, or you don't
Fetterman’s gonna go for it, ain’t he?
"Democrats divided on whether to enable hostile government takeover by corrupt oligarchs or vote to protect Democracy."
If you want to judge me for citing a source, probs best not to follow me.
It doesn't have to be like this! Let the lawyers do their jobs!!
They've systematically taken almost everything else apart!
Can't this regime ever be satisfied?
1 (202) 224-3121
They will connect you with your representative’s office.
and Donald gave them the thumbs up treatment and they ride them ever since, the treatment with special kisses.
Hickenlooper (202) 224-5941; Bennet (202) 224-5852. Both voice mailboxes are currently open. #ColoradoDemocrats #Colorado