Reposted from
The Tennessee Holler
🔥 🇨🇦
Of course "Bone Spurs”Trump doesn’t respect what it means to be a sovereign country.
Stand up for your great country!
Bring it back & keep your culture & values free from fascist takeover!
In no way,shape or form will we surrender our sovereignty.
To think otherwise is messed up.
Who starts a take over of a friendly country who is always first to help them?
Canada would be the HUGE Liberal Blue state.
Republicans would NEVER hold office again.
Canadians living abroad!! You very likely still have the right to vote (this wasn't always the case). You can find more info here.
All I saw was them standing back to back with their Jerseys saying
Thank you internet
You have to look at the jersey of Mike where it says Never 51
Smart people ask the questions when they don't get it.
You're one of those.
Peace out.... ☮️🍁
Vote April 28
Well, I have a US flag I put up Jul 4 after I take down my 🇨🇦 flag from Jul 1. I may not switch this year…
Not everyone is into rock music. 😉
You never take the Canadian out of a Canadian, even when the postal code changes. Love you Mike! ❤️❤️❤️🇨🇦💪
Mr. Dressup was actually an American who came up to Canada and eventually became a Canadian. Ties have always been deep!
I’m thankful he did so much for his community, his country, and beyond. ♥️
An ex-boyfriend introduced me to his music back in the late 90s, been a fan ever since. Made a lot of Canadian friends through it. So much love to all of you!
Wishing y'all the best.
remember "we are the world" song for africa?
singers from all over the world should get together for a new version.
"we are the world, we hate that douchebag"
"we feel bad for americans, except those who voted for this"
"come on american friends and end this bullshit"
My new catch phrase 👍
Canada Strong
Trump and Musk.
Viva La Canada
Maybe Washington could be named Columbia for the river instead of named Washington for the president.
And they think Canada will goose step along into US statehood?
Columbia and Puerto Rico.
But no. Let's waste effort on what will never happen.
Please add your name, Americans, and share! https://chng.it/RXKRLVxX6x
Unlike the humorless hydrocephalic Blob who stole his throne at the White House.
I want Canada to stay its own country separated from the United States doing its own thing not being pulled down to the s*** show that is called The United States.
Am I allowed to say elbows up?
America is NOT Russia & Canada is NOT Ukraine.
Thank you friend👏🏻
They're super pointy, too.
Toronto construction season now overlaps winter season.
Liberals = Canada
Your choice 🇨🇦🍁⚖️💪
Normal Americans like me are so ashamed and sorry for the Orange Wanker destroying relationships that took decades or even centuries to create.
It was strange hearing the United States called
Our former Ally
Considering Steven Harper 🍁is still one of his primary advisors, In the palpatine shadows.
Get ready for government dollars to PSA "DO WHAT DONNIE DO"
All numbers to be multiplied by jiggity or jilyun
Canada is learning a lesson here, we need to create our own futures and invest more in our ingenuity, instead of buying it from others.
Everything is polarized? Is that what you believe?
Do I need to be a Poliviere supporter to disagree with Carney's propaganda?
Our show is a huge fan of yours!
Sending love from 🇨🇦 and the DamFam here at The Beaver Lodge.
#PodPetTax gif ⬇️
Just a thought 😉
(& the Oilers are Carney's team.)
“Winter and construction “
And winter makes a mess of our roads so they are constantly under construction.
I had one kid that spent most of her time falling into mud puddles. Very tiring when you have to do laundry by hand. You can only go through so many changes of clothes a day until you run out.
Never 51
“Mr. Prime Minister” is an American abomination.
It’s “Prime Minister.” No “Mr. / Mrs. / Madam / Ms.”
Prime Minister. C’est tout.
Every cash register a voting booth.
Dont call your reps but then send maga/gop politicians your money by buying from their biggest donors e.g. #ATT #Pepsico #americanairlines #comcast
Also, thank you for all of the updates and details on current legal goings on. Random regular people like me really appreciate it. Keep up the great work.
We got CBC on channel 9. I forgot about Mr Dressup!
The seasons