I sometimes wonder if you or your followers know how alienating it is to anyone overweight when you use weight as an implicit mark of character. I often come to the conclusion you don't care and would turn on me in a second despite being on your side.
It depends...are you operating there on assignment from the US or were you recruited there locally? US-origin fellas on assignment abroad are eligible for the "Intelligent Fella" cost-of-living adjustment. You should talk to your CIA handler about signing up.
Well, the original recruitment was at [retracted], so headquarters in [retracted] likely handled me as auxiliary fella.
I preferred vouchers to procure local kibble as the one shipped from [retracted] was always delayed by customs.
At least once a year I have "a coffee and keyboard event". I always do the same, turn it off. Flush it under water (not much). Good shake, let it dry. Even did it with coca-cola (w/sugar).
So far, always works. Fingers crossed. The alternative is to "wait and see what the coffee will do to it".
Long ago, I worked in an office with dumb terminals tied to a mainframe computer. A new guy, clueless, decided to clean his keyboard carwash style.
We had to leave it switched on but disconnected for 3 days, to dry out completely. The screen was full of weird symbols, like it was talking to aliens.
I've always worked on mainframes through real PCs, with terminal emulators. And yeah, when I killed this keyboard with tea, I had, errrrrm, "exotic" behaviour on both windows & the terminal. Like you describe.
I called assistance, and they brought me a new keyboard within 2 hours.
There were few pc's at the time I refer to.
Same system-tiny keys on back of terminal were used to set the network address. A child reset them at random...
Floor sockets - great until an unused staple shorts on and sends local network bananas... Took 3 days to find problem, socket 49 of 50.
At home, it's wise. At work, depends on the local traditions. In this specific french bank, I would have been hanged by the balls for having a spare keyboard. Or even to ask a better one while the current one was not totally dead.
but killing it and asking a replacement? At once, sir.
that's why i have quite expensive mechanical one with chassis made from airplane-grade aluminium.
I have it for good 2 years and spilled shit on it multiple times, (mainly beer 😂), all it took is immediate disconnect, leave it upside down for 24h, clean the surface and it normally comes back up
Nah bro, it's all good. Eat another butter stick
In Polish there's a saying that fits here: "the devil doesn't get rid off his own".
Speaking of which, I still haven't received my CIA check for this month.
I preferred vouchers to procure local kibble as the one shipped from [retracted] was always delayed by customs.
Of course he took all, especially when those were for free of charge in New Zealand.
Apparently that fixes every bad ailment
Or both.
Leftist :D
Almost ready to be extradited to the USA!
So far, always works. Fingers crossed. The alternative is to "wait and see what the coffee will do to it".
In Norway we have clean, drinkable water out of the tap.
That could ... ... ... be different for someone.
We had to leave it switched on but disconnected for 3 days, to dry out completely. The screen was full of weird symbols, like it was talking to aliens.
I called assistance, and they brought me a new keyboard within 2 hours.
Same system-tiny keys on back of terminal were used to set the network address. A child reset them at random...
Floor sockets - great until an unused staple shorts on and sends local network bananas... Took 3 days to find problem, socket 49 of 50.
but killing it and asking a replacement? At once, sir.
I have it for good 2 years and spilled shit on it multiple times, (mainly beer 😂), all it took is immediate disconnect, leave it upside down for 24h, clean the surface and it normally comes back up
just the inconvenience now because i don't know where i put my screen cleaning wipes 😂