I was so mad with them tiptoeing around Touyuki in Clear Card. Seriously what the fuck, why is Sakura calling them “best friends” she knew they were together in the OG. Don’t get me started on X never being finished
They finished Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card last year. Having read everything they’ve ever written it’s basically a culmination of their worst writing habits. Crappy pacing, forced miscommunication, creepy-ass relationships presented as completely fine, and they sideline both Touyuki and Tomoyo
Getting tired of seeing one of the characters be a feminized little shit, at this point it feels like “ill just do it myself” because everything not just this particular section, but all media in a way potrays one of the men as femenized, quirky, with the valleygirl accent or anything else.
There is rarely, and i mean RARELY, a time I find good media with good gay men that arent over sexualized and overly fetishized, and actually have fucking plot. Brokeback mountain was good but broke my heart. Every other shit, I just felt disgusted, because is that really all we are to people.
Are we just some plot device for entertainment for people who wanna giggle and continue saying that all gay men are the same, big burly man and twink guy, cause no the fuck its not. I want to see BIG BIG men compete, IM TIRED OF THE SAME OLD INFANTLIZED SHIT!!
anyways no im not mad at you, i agree