Dorian Gray and Victor Frankenstein: if I ignore It It will probably go away. I am not referring to the fact that I am gay. It is a far more malicious It.
Holy shit, Caleb, this is really good. I love this.
When I read this scene I was internally screaming.
My friends are going apeshit for this one, as well they should.
I'm game for whatever you wanna paint, but I'm a little tempted to suggest The Ballad Of Reading Gaol.
Didn’t even register trans Dorian, I was too hopped up on my zinger “More like Dorian GAY” to see it. Then I read the comments and oh, what a fool I’ve been!
When I read this scene I was internally screaming.
My friends are going apeshit for this one, as well they should.
I'm game for whatever you wanna paint, but I'm a little tempted to suggest The Ballad Of Reading Gaol.