One of the worst disappointments of those who showed themselves to be garbage. That one hurt. How do you write about a boy who is different and who raises up to be the hero and teaches about love, and all the beautiful things in that book, and be such a piece of shit?
I was raised in seventh day adventist faith. I hid in the library and read them until I could afford my own copies after I ran. I find its interesting that this POS is associated with my rebelling and leaving a faith that is pretty hard to leave in some areas.
Cunt is a very common insult in English that can be used for men or women, and has no sexist undetones. Although I understand how it can be interpreted as such.
Guess it's for the best, suppose I appreciate knowing this terf won't get any more money from me.
"them"?! indicates JK has a severe pronoun issue. She needs help, not ridicule.
Also: how can I contribute to that rainbow?