I deleted a tweet where I was trying to describe how many hiroshimas worth of US bombs israel has dropped on gaza.
This is from november 9, citing 25 kilotons. Littleboy was 15 kilotons. About 2 hiroshimas worth in the *first month*
This is from november 9, citing 25 kilotons. Littleboy was 15 kilotons. About 2 hiroshimas worth in the *first month*
It has been *months* since then, in each of which biden overrode congress to give israel more bombs, most without public disclosure.
Months after israel already dropped two hiroshimas worth of bombs on Gaza.
Israel murdered all the people whose job is to count how many people it murdered, months ago. That's why the death count is not officially measured as 100,000+ but paused at the point where it was when israel killed the death counters.
Bear in mind, between 1950 and 1953 the US dropped 635 kilotons of conventional bombs on Korea, destroying 85% of its buildings.
That's 211 kilotons per year, 14 hiroshimas per year.