I like that after people discovered neurotransmitters, they effortlessly switched the language of 4 humours theory to be more modern
It sounds more scientific to say "oh no I have too little dopamine" just like 2,400 years ago it sounded more scientific to say "oh no I have too much yellow bile"
It sounds more scientific to say "oh no I have too little dopamine" just like 2,400 years ago it sounded more scientific to say "oh no I have too much yellow bile"
Humans never really give up folk beliefs, they just update their language to be more modern.
Humans absolutely, 100%, totally still believe in fairies. They call them corporations now.
the humorism to hormone pipeline might be refining measurability more than rebranding
the greeks were just chopping but we can test for chemicals
people were a special kind of crazy in the early mid 20th century
not sure I understand what fits well tho
Wired: Don’t accept binding arbitration.
An important part of humors is that they have to be balanced, a bad mixture causes disease.
Too much yellow bile caused impulsiveness, decisiveness, short temper, etc. It needed to be balanced by increasing the amount of phlegm.