We've labelled this card's claim as a "Cherry-Pick" rather than an outright lie.
While the quoted statistic is (mostly!) true, it's missing two very important bits of context:
- What's the typical rate of closures, for comparison?
- Are total business numbers up or down?
While the quoted statistic is (mostly!) true, it's missing two very important bits of context:
- What's the typical rate of closures, for comparison?
- Are total business numbers up or down?
Hearing a big number, with no context, we're coaxed into assuming something is going very wrong.
1. The total number of businesses is UP by around 150,000 since Labor took over government from the coalition.
2. The rate of business closures under Labor has been a little above the historical mean... and so has the rate of new businesses starting.
Samples often need normalisation before we can start comparing them.
Not putting numbers in context is one of the biggest sources of political trickery.
You can find it here:
Oh, and you know how we said the statistic is "mostly" true? That's because they're generally saying "small businesses", but the number they use is ALL businesses.