It's true there's more businesses ending up insolvent than ever, but with there being more businesses than ever, that's not really a surprise.
Samples often need normalisation before we can start comparing them.
Not putting numbers in context is one of the biggest sources of political trickery.
Samples often need normalisation before we can start comparing them.
Not putting numbers in context is one of the biggest sources of political trickery.
You can find it here:
Oh, and you know how we said the statistic is "mostly" true? That's because they're generally saying "small businesses", but the number they use is ALL businesses.
You'll also love 'Punter's Politics' ( ).
They do tons of entertaining & informative short vids about politics, and have just dropped a fresh one about our favourite topic... politicians lying! has prepared this excellent primer on political gaslighting methods. Well worth a read as we approach the election period. We know our cards won't be able to keep up with the daily lie-fest!
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Here's the previous Liberal Lies card in the set: