I 3000% agree with that statement
The only problems with actual PS2 games' graphics are related to them being made for 480i and low render resolution, both things that can easily be fixed with an emulator
But TBH, multi-platform games are better on the OG Xbox, Gamecube and/or even some PC versions
This looks like a PS2 Game? Good.
With so much discourse around game mechanics nowadays you'd expect that people would put importance to both of these equally or at least talk about visuals in more constructive ways like how clarity or contrast can be used to enhance it, but I guess not.
Lets be real, realistic graphics stopped getting better a while ago. Every time i see advance in it, is a zoomed pic of pixels vs zoomed pic of slightly better pixels.
yesterday I actually thought about the possibility of a game company doing a PS2-game style in 2024. Low budget in comparison as today but the focus would be fun
I keep wondering if people would like it or not even with "bad" graphics
When I started making 3D models, my view on polygons and graphis changed dramatically.
Before I didn't care about graphics. But after learning a lot of it is computer trickery magic through math and formulas I don't understand, and texture images, worrying over graphics is silly.
Lots of details are in faking geometry theough the texture. Like bump mapping, its just a texture reacting to the light in the scene, but there's no actual gemotery there so it fakes extra polygons.
If anything it is super-easy to make very detailed high-poly models. Optimization is the challenge.
It's funny too because whenever I see people say "this looks like a PS1 game" you have so many instances of PS1 games looking absolutely stellar like Ace combat 3 electrosphere
Like PS2 games looked like this, and you wanna say that's a bad thing?
(Btw love how gt4 has a whole dedicated photo mode that lets you import photos right to a USB drive so you get pretty much a native image directly from real hardware)
The only problems with actual PS2 games' graphics are related to them being made for 480i and low render resolution, both things that can easily be fixed with an emulator
But TBH, multi-platform games are better on the OG Xbox, Gamecube and/or even some PC versions
With so much discourse around game mechanics nowadays you'd expect that people would put importance to both of these equally or at least talk about visuals in more constructive ways like how clarity or contrast can be used to enhance it, but I guess not.
I keep wondering if people would like it or not even with "bad" graphics
Before I didn't care about graphics. But after learning a lot of it is computer trickery magic through math and formulas I don't understand, and texture images, worrying over graphics is silly.
If anything it is super-easy to make very detailed high-poly models. Optimization is the challenge.
(Btw love how gt4 has a whole dedicated photo mode that lets you import photos right to a USB drive so you get pretty much a native image directly from real hardware)