Like the only way to read this is that a guy who is not the President said “you may break the law for a while and I won’t punish you when I become President” and everyone said, sure, good enough
Are we sure it's not "you can break the law but I want it to be down for a while on Joe's last day"? Like the message just makes very little sense otherwise
It’s not like if you break the law the cops will point guns at you. If you’re a white collar criminal your lawyer will talk to their lawyer and they’ll issue you a formal apology
But this is just TikTok turning itself back on again. Likely that Apple/Google will keep it off their app stores since they are the ones to be penalized by the ban unless it’s overturned by Congress. TikTok going dark was a stunt to achieve this exact outcome.
Biden should use his authority to extend the enforcement by 1 day. The Law states Pres can extend ONE time up to 90 days. If new Pres Trump and Congress want the law changed, they can. Otherwise TikTok and service providers will be breaking the law if they continue to operate. Trump can’t re-extend.
Genuine question, is the Democratic Party just full of idiots? I think everybody saw this coming a mile off, how are they employed making $100k+ a year to be the most politically inept group of people possible?
Some of them are. But I think Osita Nwanevu's assertion that the Democratic Party is more of a jobs programs for beltway types than it is a real functioning party is a lot more relevant. Republicans make the rules and Democrats follow the rules and ne'er the twain shall meet.
The House and Senate are both currently controlled by Rs, as is the Supreme Court, and every major news organization decided to play lapdog to a convicted felon, so I have no fucking clue why you're singling out Dems as morons here. It's a group effort.
The Rs got exactly what they wanted, Trump to come swooping in and act as the saviour for a very popular social media app amongst young people. That’s stupid politics how?
Centrist democrats are allergic to winning anything
Just look at the whole last 6 months from the Democratic Party, such a politically inept stupid group of people. You would’ve been a great political consultant for Harris! Blame everyone else but themselves for a terrible display. Such tone deafness
And when he’s president, the law will in fact still be in effect. But who the hell cares about little things like “separation of powers” and the promise “to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” nowadays
Delete the damned app.
I hate it here, and the future is even scarier than I imagined
Centrist democrats are allergic to winning anything
Biden could have said I am not signing this bill until bill is actually about defence
Established Dems are just there for controlled opposition. Useless party.