imagine people playing at being " christian" for power.... which makes them hypocrites, not Christians.. when you see the cross... you know it is about power, not Christianity they are false and we need to start attacking that:
It's disgusting to see these politicians hide behind the crucifix or whatever religious symbol they think persuades us to believe they're "good" people. In the case of the Christian, Christ seemed more interested in actions than words or public displays. I think remember a parable about that.
Actually, many passages that they're breaking.
1. Love your brothers, neighbors as yourself.
2.take care/feed the widows and children
3. Thou shall not lie
4. Thou shall not steal
5. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbors (immigrants)
6. You shall not covet/our taxes for themself
He's not Catholic anymore. He worships Trump and puts Trump before everything including moral and religious principles... if he had any. As the first commandment is "Thou shall have no god before me" any Judeo Christian religion is out. As is Islam.
Do you think Catholics voted for trump for other reasons beside racism?! That fucking POS pope could have supported Kamala but he couldn’t let a vagina do better than a rapist. Fuck him.
Well, I just watched a reporter tell of Monkey giving his # to only the Republicans who were complaining about the cuts & freezes.
It's reported that he said call him and tell him which programs to unfreeze. This better not be just the red States though.
I tell them daily via email and phone calls, not one response. Nothing, nada, zero, zip. I’m not stopping but my elected officials in this red area literally don’t care.
There seems to be a bizarre form of right-wing Catholicism in the U.S. and to some extent the U.K. It is often professed by converts such as Vance or Johnson and is absolutely repugnant to those of us who were brought up in the faith and therefore were taught to think about what Christ was teaching.
1. Love your brothers, neighbors as yourself.
2.take care/feed the widows and children
3. Thou shall not lie
4. Thou shall not steal
5. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbors (immigrants)
6. You shall not covet/our taxes for themself
C. Yarvin
Talk about a bad reference.
If you remember though, it requires a 2/3 vote.
Until Republicans grow a spine; we wait.
It's reported that he said call him and tell him which programs to unfreeze. This better not be just the red States though.