Resisters call in sick on 3/19/25. Truckers, bus and train drivers, unions, air traffic controllers, pilots, cabbies, IT, manufacturing, etc. Please stay home as long as possible. This action will help to get our message against tyranny out and show the world we won’t allow this takeover.
Didn't a Judge order All those who were illegally & unconstitutionally let go to be brought back to their jobs?? Sorry alil confused. Need alil clarity since the Chaos by PutinsBiaatch45 is all over. SMFH
That was just performative bs. She knew they would all block it. She just wants to give the appearance that she is doing something while making no real effort at all.
Well, the veterans have voted for them in the first place should learn a lesson and I don’t care if they do. I’m more worried about the ones who voted for her suffering because of what they voted for.
We (vets) were only ever pawns. Any time anyone spoke out (corruption, no humvee armor, etc.) we were quickly dismissed. They never actually gaf about us.
Supporting vets is important and I get that proposing a bill for vets can illuminate the political divide, but this is not the most important issue of the day.
They will not bring any bills to the floor by democrats. Waste of time . Need to focus on getting better leadership going forward and get Trump arrested
For shame! If only 1 thing could be reversed this is the 1. The BIG ass RED Line. This is it! We can all take losses we can evolve and change. Some should not have to. It is this population only at least!
Unfortunately, I doubt this will be covered on the conservative media, so hopefully this obvious sign that they don’t care about veterans or anyone who’s not in their pocket will spread.
I'm not saying throw veterans under the bus. I just recognize a long standing Democratic ploy of using an appeal to reflected valor and wrapping themselves in the flag. It is Tammy Duckworth's role I'm the party and the reason Rahm Emmanuel groomed her in the first place.
Yes, but they're part of the problem that voted in your new king. There's too many voters who think the consequences shouldn't apply to them - farmers who suddenly have no workers, teachers who think their schools shouldn't lose funding. FAFO
The last republican who cared about actual governing was Eisenhower. After him it’s all been paving the path to where we are now. Basically, my entire life.
Sounds like creation of a Master Race to me. Trump loves his Benito Mussolini pose. Dictators are all alike, they admire one another. Dictatorial fantasy.
Trump is a white supremacist, a rapist
and a megalomaniac. Everything he does
is exactly what one might expect from a
white supremacist rapist megalomaniac,
yes? There's no surprises here...he is an
aggressive cancer that must be stopped
You truly can't think of a single reason why elected officials might want to take this moment in time to single out people with real world battle experience and tell them "Those people who are doing horrible things to your country just voted against you specifically too"?
NO,what she literally did is try to get onlyvets jobs back- & no one else's
It's a stunt & it didn't work.
Tens of thousands were fired
She's trying to make news, but fighting for all the people who were fired who ALL were valuable, that's a real leader
This wasn't the front lines, it was an office
Again: You truly can't think of a single reason why elected officials might want to take this moment in time to single out people with real world battle experience and tell them "Those people who are doing horrible things to your country just voted against you specifically too"?
It's amazing watching America being run by Russians. Very efficient destruction.
How about saving democracy?
The GOP only supports vets when they are SHAMED INTO IT.
This is the only thing that will bring Trump & the G-O-Nazi Party down..
Party + profits over everyone else.
Neither would surprise me.
and a megalomaniac. Everything he does
is exactly what one might expect from a
white supremacist rapist megalomaniac,
yes? There's no surprises here...he is an
aggressive cancer that must be stopped
That part hasn't changed.
We're all losers and suckers in their minds.
Fucking Traitors
Stop pulling stunts and do something real.
Grow a pair.
Reread- repost
That doesn't work
She's a vet. She should know you don't leave a man behind.
And I know she does because THAT'S why she's alive today.
It's a stunt & it didn't work.
Tens of thousands were fired
She's trying to make news, but fighting for all the people who were fired who ALL were valuable, that's a real leader
This wasn't the front lines, it was an office