This is their plan. Keep people uneducated & controllable. The sad thing is maga seems to embrace the republican Party even still …instead of having an aha moment & recognize the republicans are stealing all of our tax dollars for themselves.
I googled it because I was like 'even in this day and age, 21% seems AWFULLY high' and nope, I overestimated the intelligence of Americans AGAIN. When will I learn?
My grandmother who only went as far as the 8th grade because that's all they did back then was better read than a lot of kids leaving high school today. I left high school with having read from Papillion to the Iliad & more. Still say Achilles was a spoiled brat. The statistics are appalling.
Same worker: Joins protest outside Tesla factory
Musk: “Why is everyone so mean to me?”
Literacy hit a peak of 99.3-ish percent in 1979 in the US. 21% is akin to where it was in 1870.
ha ha ha ha... White Baby Jesus...