2014 -
* The Emperor of NebrasKansas decides that they need a transportation hub in the middle of the continent.
* They noticed there's a perfectly good one right there by Denver.
* They slowly plant farmers in overalls in eastern Colorado.
* Everyone thinks the hipsters are just moving away from Boulder and gentrifying to the east.
* One day, without warning NebrasKansas starts to push, and surrounds Denver International Airport.
* Gubbna of Texas does not rain down fire and popcorn. That was a promise from many Gubbnas ago.
* Texas is like, "Not that many people died, and the people who live by the airport say they feel like they're NebrasKansans. You can see from the results of this really shady poll. With well armed NebrasKansan soldiers that look like hipsters over their shoulders while they cast their ballots."
* Texas would rather let NebrasKansas (who both have an equivalent amount of corn these days) do its thing, so long as it just freakin chills, god.
* Absolutely no one comes to Colorado's aid, and we are stuck accepting that we have to pay to use our own airport now.
2022 -
* 8 years have gone by and NebrasKansas just decides to push all the way up to I-25 where the Colorodans are able to stop them.
* Texas, is still not raining down fire and popcorn.
* Texas is far and away, the most powerful state on the planet, not just cause of the corn, but the peas. They just have more, cause they chose to make more.
* Texas is worried that if NebrasKansas moves through Colorado, and hits Salt Lake City, that they'll have to do something. Ugh.
* The Emperor of NebrasKansas decides that they need a transportation hub in the middle of the continent.
* They noticed there's a perfectly good one right there by Denver.
* They slowly plant farmers in overalls in eastern Colorado.
* One day, without warning NebrasKansas starts to push, and surrounds Denver International Airport.
* Gubbna of Texas does not rain down fire and popcorn. That was a promise from many Gubbnas ago.
* Absolutely no one comes to Colorado's aid, and we are stuck accepting that we have to pay to use our own airport now.
* 8 years have gone by and NebrasKansas just decides to push all the way up to I-25 where the Colorodans are able to stop them.
* Texas, is still not raining down fire and popcorn.
* Texas is worried that if NebrasKansas moves through Colorado, and hits Salt Lake City, that they'll have to do something. Ugh.