Okay, I can't not. I never tell super personal stories on here, but fuck it, it's spooky season, I love threads like this, and the women of my family all have a history of spooky shit. So you get one of mine, one of my mom's, and two from my grandmother. Let's go!
Reposted from
Bo Bolander
this place will never be complete without a really excellent ghost story/weird shit that's happened to people thread or two, please make that happen
It's April of 1990, I'm 6. I'm a creature of habit, I only sit against the same back window on one side of my family's car, ever. That morning my mom is on the other side of the car getting into the driver's seat, I'm alone by the back side door. ->
I do. On the drive to school a puce tank of a BMV jack knifes our car after ignoring a stop sign. I go pinging side to side like a cartoon character, slammed against window-side seats.
Point: this was not a minor accident. My mom's injuries required 2 years in physio to heal, and bothered her ever after. I walked away without a scratch.
My mom is at home with our dog. I don't know the exact year, but it's before I was born, somewhere between '78 and '84. They're both moving to go downstairs. There's a man on the stairwell. Covered in full body blackened burns. Our dog runs for the bedroom, my mom right after.
When our dog stops being afraid, my mom opens the door. The man's gone. No sign of him.
Not long after, my parents are in the basement of the house. They're cleaning stuff out. Behind the furnace is a pile of papers.
My parents clean it all out. Few days later, my mom's heading upstairs and the same man, young kid in his twenties free of burns, is sitting on the stairs, smiling.
They never see him again.