But that was then and this is now. You’ve ceded your authority because of Liz Cheney.
In the hierarchy of things that matter to you, in order, are:
• Me
• My personal safety
• Not getting mean-tweeted
• Getting re-elected
• People who won’t vote for me
• People in shithole countries
• The nation
In the hierarchy of things that matter to you, in order, are:
• Me
• My personal safety
• Not getting mean-tweeted
• Getting re-elected
• People who won’t vote for me
• People in shithole countries
• The nation
Yes, I know, you murmur amongst yourselves over how you had to swallow hard to vote for Tulsi Gabbard, or stay silent when USAID and the NPS was gutted. Take a hard stand now, and say HELL NO, or… you’re as complicit as he is.