A great ring of pure & endless light
Dazzles the darkness in my heart
And breaks apart the dusky clouds of night.
The end of all is hinted in the start...
Around us life & death are torn apart,
Yet a great ring of pure and endless light
Dazzles the darkness in my heart.
- M. L'Engle
Dazzles the darkness in my heart
And breaks apart the dusky clouds of night.
The end of all is hinted in the start...
Around us life & death are torn apart,
Yet a great ring of pure and endless light
Dazzles the darkness in my heart.
- M. L'Engle
I'm glad you brought that to us.
The evil of forced conformity. Remember the children bouncing balls? The one child being punished for bouncing out of time with the others.
Made an impression on me.