Oh, yes. The struggle to forgive is real and it is long. I’m still working on, and cannot get to, forgiving John Danforth for shepherding Clarence Thomas.
Well if it’s any consolation, Ohioans have been stepping up! Chasing neo-Nazis off bridges, pelting white supremacists with canned goods, and surrounding a plant to fend off ICE raids. Big march in Cincy this Sunday too!
I’m a life long blue Ohioan, old enough to recall a proud blue majority. We worked our ass off for our beloved Sherrod, and miss him every day. Sadly, it was money (too much to compete against) , not merit, that took him from us. Sherrod stands for the Ohio we remember and the one we need back! 💙
I also apologize with a heavy dose of shame for my state bringing Gym Jordan and JD “not a real hillbilly” Vance into the world. One is a literal idiot and one is a dangerous douchebag. Both have faces that the fists of smart people long to punch. Repeatedly.
I returned to Dayton from a 3 year stint in Dallas in 1999…when the change toward red seemed fast and furious. Our auto manufacturing and tool and die shops evaporated and the stunned workforce used to making a good living right out of high school could not/would not adjust.
Similar time graduating in 91 from OU. A liberal Arts degree was a pariah. If you didn’t study business it was almost impossible to find a job except in retail- selling to those soulless, lifeless souls.
(Also-My step daughter started at Kent this fall plans for Fashion Design) Loves it so far.
YES! And what a crew in this Cabinet and they're not even done! Could we have ever imagined that the Nixon Administration would someday look like Kindergarten Choir Boys? Uncle Vlad must be truly pleased.
We were stunned at Tester. He’s the most popular politician in Montana, but the right wing advertising was endless brutal lies. And the guy who won is the rich Bozeman douche everyone here claims they hate. Totally nutball situation. We are a very gullible state.
I just can't wrap my mind around their tight grip on whatever they think their party will do for them. It's wild!
(Also-My step daughter started at Kent this fall plans for Fashion Design) Loves it so far.