I’ve watched the play with frustration because teams are defending it wrong. The defensive line should not be going head to head - attack from an angle and redirect the forward momentum, like reactive tank armor.
C’mon. That’s what the Bills are known for. Just because they’re one of the few teams that can do it well doesn’t mean you ban it. Get a quarterback built like Josh Allen and you, too, can push a tush.
Dan Bongino is a goon a bully a baffoon. But mostly he’s a dick. He’s a sycophant of of the first order. He’s not qualified to run an illegal card game and the asswipe in the oval put him on the FBI. My god when are the adults going to take over?
You're why Trump loves the poorly educated. You'll believe anything. You have ZERO proof that's true yet that doesn't stop you from posting this shit. And it is complete shit.
It needs to be outlawed. I watch it and say, this is not football but Rugby. Stupid to continue to allow this crap. Same with the kick off rule that has ruined that part of the game. No more surprise on side kicks, only in the 4t qtr and you have to tell the other team.
You would think a storied franchise like the Packers would have a little more grace & civility. Wanting a play banned because the team that knocked you out of the playoffs does it best is just sour grapes.
It’s more nuanced than that. Because Green Bay doesn’t have an owner, in many cases someone in Mark Murphy’s position will submit something that other owners want, but don’t want to put their name on. The Packers take that PR hit so that the next time they want to sell stock, no one complains.
Didn’t Lombardi say, “Act like you’ve been there before?” as in, conduct yourself with class? The culture of the team made me expect better of them, I guess. It just screams “salty” given January’s playoff result.
Penn State, a college team, successfully ran the play; evidence that any team with strength can also add it to their playbook. The Packers are weak cowards!
And like rugby as soon as one or two teams become really good at performing a particular move (play) the rest of the competition try to ban it. Very similar to a maul in rugby which the Springboks do better than anyone and instead of countering it the rest of the teams tried to ban it.
Can‘t say I‘m a fan of the play but I mean,really?Banning?Come on.Unless you have serious injury data.But until then,just work something out to stop the play on the field.
Not football? Players used to DIE. Players used to get paralyzed. So many players were being killed that Congress threatened to set safety standards. Football is a violent game, and serious injuries are always possible. That's why people watch it. It's the gladiatorial game of our time.
It seems dangerous to lots of different players.
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Although I don't think any team has that many.