It's pretty sad that so many people would rather be "right" than have any meaningful conversation about what's going on here in the U.S.
'Common Sense' is a term that has been thrown around by both sides, yet there seems to be very little of it across the board
'Common Sense' is a term that has been thrown around by both sides, yet there seems to be very little of it across the board
OR search for the answers to the hard questions...
OR even have an honest discussion about the hard questions...
It's either you're all in or you're all out, and that just doesn't make sense to me.
I KNOW there are a lot people just like me watching what's happening like "WTF is going on right now!?"
And yet here we are.
Pretty disappointing...
Each one has their own spin to add or will show you want they want you to see.
And sadly, many people take that as gospel and die by it.. even if it's incorrect