Trump‘s cabinet pics and appointees are testament to his incompetence.
We will pay the price when he forfeits American excellence in exchange for untainted allegiance.
We will pay the price when he forfeits American excellence in exchange for untainted allegiance.
We’re significant to so many worldwide. Not that we get it right all the time but the ripple effects of this wrong are substantial. 😔
Our avg. life expectancy is 7 years shorter than the European average (72 vs 79)
The US world ranking for science is 16th
Our general education ranking in the world is 13th
We aren’t top ranked for anything anymore.
The secret to problem solving is firstly admitting we have one
the old minority blame game…..
We are holding our breath here in Canada to see what we have to do to protect our economy and livelihood from this insidious degenerate.
I’m sick over what all of this means for our allies…
And the world.
My wife and I, both retired; now have to decide how to protect our savings because Trump has decided to try to tariff Canada to its knees.
That is not what good neighbours do. What is wrong with him?
look to see what happened in South Korea -- it's foreshadowing what will happen here.
This isn't a game and the people are about to find out!
America Seriously
What have you done
May be the saving of the US economy
Agenda’s trash the processes and now we on the losing end. We can’t be “equality for all” and then demand that our objectives be moved to the front of the line.