Absolutely. Friends and I were out in Las Vegas this past weekend. We were musing that you won't see them wearing it around unless they are in a large group because they know they're wrong and embarrassed and are likely to get their asses handed to them.
It already is! By the people that are all on the right side of History and all across the globe. It’s a symbol of hate, misogyny, radicalism and racism. (And so much more)
In the south where I’m at the confederate flag is flown everywhere. It’s heritage. It’s disgusting, but that never really obtained the negative connotation as it does in other parts of the country. I think the swastika is making a comeback. Sad.
It's "heritage" because the south refuses to teach why that should be embarrassing. I'm so tired of ppl dismissing this as if it's explained away for being southern. You guys aren't special 😂 Sincerely an mixed indigenous person 🫡
I should’ve also put heritage in quotes in my post so it’s clear that I also think it’s ridiculous. I absolutely agree. Spot on. There are 2 giant ones along the interstate these people are soo proud of.
The swaztika is having a come back with the same people who tell lies about why they revere the confederate flag. We accept those lies, and that acceptance has led us here.
I'm just an elderly Canadian....I hate this guy. Yes....I hate him. No less. BUT. Would I buy a red MAGA hat right now? No....but I'd sure as hell pay top dollar for one with a hole in it!
I will not let my husband wear any red hat, even the one his granddaughter sent him from Cal State Fresno. Just seeing a red ball cap gives me PTSD. No fooling.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
As a black Veteran of the Army and Marines, when I see that hat, it invokes a rage in me, because they’re yelling at me, they are a racist who wants to bring the US back to the days of the confederate south and I believe they know that, while not giving a damn.😡
There are NAZI’s in the White House American MAGA 🇺🇸
You can NOT use anything from Hitlers /Nazi identitet in a democratic free world .
But it is not difficult to see Hitlers
Color ⚫️🔴
Rally with bully and lie talk
Insults, hate , revenge and easy words to remember on repeat https://bsky.app/profile/nomadmatt.bsky.social/post/3lgbhie67ns2l
That day was at some point roughly eight years ago. I noticed the number of confederate flags flying in my area has decreased over that time and replaced with Trump flags.
Right. With disgust and collective abhorrence for a while, and then with admiration. History keeps repeating itself over and over because it takes humans SO fucking long to evolve. I'm so tired of being on the primitive end of the human spectrum. Gah. Still fighting, though.
Sadly, no. In my bubble and yours, that day arrived a long time ago. But millions of Americans voted for him, and for them, cruelty was the point. They’re not horrified. They’re thrilled.
No not yet. Some do, but maybe 20% of Americans at absolute best. Remember that it took a civil war over the vile institution of slavery for most people to fear the former & a world war/holocaust for the latter, I fear it will take many more future lives lost before the MAGA hat is feared as equally
I wish what you were saying is true. The Confederate flag still isn't viewed as the same as the Swastika. I agree it should be, and treated the same in society.
I commonly point out the absurdity, but it falls upon people lacking character. Can't figure out what they think was so wonderful of the 5 years of resisting humans being freed from slavery. 🤷
In my small Texas town, parades of vehicles would drive around with Trump flags on the backs of their vehicles. I’m talking about a parade of cars miles long. That was in 2020, and it was the moment I realized just how similar this movement is to Hitler’s Nazi movement.
That day was the first day they appeared. People need to go talk to their grand parents, great grandparents, great aunts and uncles about how and why we fought the Nazis and follow their example!
I am #Liberal
I don’t hate on folks.
I #resist #War #Violence #Revenge #censorship
I practice #TrueBuddhism
We #Chant for #Peace daily.
Why resist cutting waste/fraud, redundancy, taxes, deporting known criminals? https://vocal.media/humans/promote-peace
it’s sickening what’s happening to our country…
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
You can NOT use anything from Hitlers /Nazi identitet in a democratic free world .
But it is not difficult to see Hitlers
Color ⚫️🔴
Rally with bully and lie talk
Insults, hate , revenge and easy words to remember on repeat https://bsky.app/profile/nomadmatt.bsky.social/post/3lgbhie67ns2l
Seriously, wtf? I just want some apple straws.
we don't have unanimous views of the confederacy in this country, and they are still celebrating him being in office.
so no, I don't think we're there yet. I WISH we were.
Would love to know what happened with voting machines in Swing States on election night.
I can't believe Trump won this presidency. Doesn't matter now with the clowncar checking off the fascist playlist in the first 48 hours.
It is WELL past time to stomp out the Nazis.
But hope you are right!
I don’t hate on folks.
I #resist #War #Violence #Revenge #censorship
I practice #TrueBuddhism
We #Chant for #Peace daily.
Why resist cutting waste/fraud, redundancy, taxes, deporting known criminals?