Apparently, when he first boarded his Navy ship, he said to the Captain, ‘I’m Prince Andrew Windsor but you can call me Andy’ & the Captain said, ‘Hello, Andy. I’m the Captain & you can call me ‘Sir’’
Can someone please explain how the wrong 'un's luxury lifestyle is funded and why he lives in a 30 room mansion with stables.
Total grifter
Time to abolish the monarchy.
I have just finished reading ‘the Siege’ about the London Iranian Embassy siege in 1980, guess which Royal wanted to visit the negotiations during the siege and wouldn’t accept the tactfully put “No” from the already stressed police negotiators he even stated he would turn up in disguise.
Isn't it cheaper for #KingCharles to send him into exile somewhere with his ex-wife? Same deal #EdwardVIII had so it's not easy for him to get back into UK 😂
When his brother would go hunting in the E Midlands, the hunts would release a “bagged” fox for “easy sport”. Most of the family still support fox hunting -a criminal activity- so are definitely all wrong uns.
Another entitled, I can do anything I want, no responsibility for anything, get away with everything type. There’s a few of them kicking about these days, unfortunately.
No - the biggest problem is the very existence of the institution. This is no longer the Middle Ages. Cut them all loose to survive on their billions and limitless tracts of land. #NoMonarchy
I heard somewhere that he was the late Queen's favourite. Maybe he was cut even more slack than his entitled siblings? They used to call him Randy Andy. Maybe lust for sex has now been overtaken by lust for other stuff, like money?
If the UK State protected the vulnerable children from harm from within their own family, with the same effort they protect Andrew from full scrutiny & prosecution, many kids would be growing up in a safer place
I think we should do what we did in the old days, and stick him in the Tower. Better still, off with his head. Dirty (dim witted) old man. We've paid for this idiot to have all his privileges. That money could have been better spent elsewhere. Anything but this idle waste of space!
I'm annoyed that he's still at liberty.
He should be hit with a post.
A fence post.
A square one.
That's the problem.
that and the 'how can I make them sweat' award.
Wrong ‘uns the lot of them.
Still wrong after all these years
His subsequent progress through the swamp of vice and corrupt associations should hardly come as a surprise.
He's sought mediocrity and failed by a long way to achieve even that.
If he weren’t Royal he’d be in prison … there’s time yet 😂
Total grifter
Time to abolish the monarchy.
May he rot
And nobody knows
But me’
Indubitably illustrated
That’s the reply
He is susceptible to anything, yet believes
everyone is subordinate to him.
He is a huge liability in every sense.
It is in the public interest to know by how much he benefited from the relationship and for how long.
Does whatever he likes & still gets to Lord it!
All this pussy footing around pretending he's being stitched up when he's actually just a shady bastard.
There is nothing new about the ineptitude and lack of moral compass with Handy Andy.
Also H&M make his own living and does not leech off the taxpayers.