DEI. The far-right has made up and amplified the myth that organisations that operate a DEI programme are hiring unqualified people because of their colour, gender or health. Can we once and for all blow this lie, this BS, this utter crap to hell. 1/5
D(iversity)? You only want people hired who look, speak & think like you?
E(quity)? You want inequity in the hiring process?
I(nclusion)? Who do you want excluded from the hiring process? 4/5
(if that is still their equivalent of Equal Opportunities).
If a few, what they'd call "crips", get caught in the crossfire, their reasoning is that they, their family and close friends are not disabled. Also "some of their best friends" have melanin so they can't be racist.
It goes no deeper.
We sensible ppl know that DEI just tries to make sure that ppl with disabilities get a fair opportunity in the job market.
If you’re qualified, what difference does it make if your body is less able?