Another REPUBLICAN Administration,
Cheney/W, selling another lie, created the PAT RIOT Act, and THE FBI could search your check-out records, so in protest, many libraries quit keeping records of what you HAD checked out before, and most still don’t. They only knew what you currently had out.
I'd like to think the Librarian would play it down. "Ah. Yes. Come with me to the back here, these are very popular - they haven't been re-shelved yet." Then slips him a note with a warning and piles some BS books on him to kill suspicion.
Cheney/W, selling another lie, created the PAT RIOT Act, and THE FBI could search your check-out records, so in protest, many libraries quit keeping records of what you HAD checked out before, and most still don’t. They only knew what you currently had out.
Argh watchig it now had a chill run down my spine.