I get asked by a lot of people if I can make a CSS roadmap, but I'm not a big fan of roadmaps or learning paths.
Once you're past the very basics, there generally isn't a linear path in any topic, and they make things feel very step-by-step, when the reality is much more messy.
Once you're past the very basics, there generally isn't a linear path in any topic, and they make things feel very step-by-step, when the reality is much more messy.
1. Learn the fundamentals.
2. Build stuff.
3. Find a problem.
4. Fix the problem.
There. Roadmap complete π
In general, when ppl start learning new stuff, I'm a huge champion of just starting a small project in whatever you're trying to learn. I've found that by being outcome-driven has really helped me understand what to learn & how everything ties together!