While I generally agree with this, I have yet to see any of the "tough" sentences match up to the 5 years sentence for thinking about peaceful protest.
I mean 1) most of the longer sentences are still to come but also 2) while I do not agree with that law, that is also not what happened. They were repeat offenders making a serious plan to do it again.
"thinking about peaceful protest" is very much not a description of what Roger Hallam did. He planned a huge shut down of a major transport system that
1) he knew was very illegal
2) he had to know would be potentially dangerous
3) actually happened
Sure. I’m just quite nervous that climate protestors are going to take away from this that shorter sentences are available for burning down the CEO’s house.
I can see that in a sense but longer sentences are coming for the race riots. We've seen sentences so far for low level miscreants who copped to what they did immediately.
Worth bearing in mind most of those sentenced thus far are after going G in the Mags, so entitled to the full 30% 'earliest opportunity' discount. That wasn't available to the JSO defendants because they went NG, had a trial and lost whilst showing no remorse and saying they do it agan
Ain't that the truth.
1) he knew was very illegal
2) he had to know would be potentially dangerous
3) actually happened
And was already on a suspended sentence.