... whom I also didn't vote.
But unfortunately, this is my country. And unfortunately for me and for the tens of millions like me, the EU doesn't get to negotiate re-entry with me, and I don't set immigration policy.
So I simply have to accept that what my country has earned - without my...
But unfortunately, this is my country. And unfortunately for me and for the tens of millions like me, the EU doesn't get to negotiate re-entry with me, and I don't set immigration policy.
So I simply have to accept that what my country has earned - without my...
It's not that...
But unfortunately if we're...
I would love it if the EU had been able to cut 65,000,000 deals tailored to the wishes of each and every citizen of the UK in the...
Hungary is Hungary. I pity its saner citizens and know they're not Orbán, but sadly it's Orbán we have to deal with in the international arena.
I wish it were otherwise.