most charming and handsome musicians with Imrae acting as his patron.
Brizz was the oldest with three younger sisters, and as the eldest, he was expected to eventually lead the house as matron. However, Calzmyr didn't want such a life for Brizz, secretly encouraging them toward a just path.
Brizz was the oldest with three younger sisters, and as the eldest, he was expected to eventually lead the house as matron. However, Calzmyr didn't want such a life for Brizz, secretly encouraging them toward a just path.
I already love Brizz and this has me reading a lot about drow including starting the series of books about Drizzt Do-Urden.
Brizz has no love for Lolth and doesn't despise surface elves at all. Learning about the split between elves and drow has been fascinating!