To honour and respect all victims of #Robodebt
Quoting directly from the Royal Commission Report until all Recommendations are implemented.
Victims of #Robodebt must not be forgotten.
Report Volume 2 Thread 391
Section 3: Effects of the Scheme’ 1/
To honour and respect all victims of #Robodebt
Quoting directly from the Royal Commission Report until all Recommendations are implemented.
Victims of #Robodebt must not be forgotten.
Report Volume 2 Thread 391
Section 3: Effects of the Scheme’ 1/
Subheading 2:1 Barriers to engagement with Centrelink’
Government agencies failed to consider the additional challenges for recipients who lived rurally or remotely when designing and implementing the Scheme.’
“Because Chetwynd was so remote, I relied significantly on online services and would have to deal with most of my day-to-day issues over the internet.”
“I recall attempting to telephone Centrelink to provide Centrelink with the amounts recorded on those payslips. I was unable to do so. Again, recall being left on hold for hours and giving up.” ‘