Whilst the show has had memorable moments (and memorable players, such as Linda and Fozia)...
...at times it felt as if the cast took the game too seriously and lacked the camaraderie of the previous series.
...at times it felt as if the cast took the game too seriously and lacked the camaraderie of the previous series.
As long as they think there are traitors / want to max out their share of the money, the game continues.
And why would they start making good decisions now?
- give traitor the chance to recruit the seer (or agree to split winnings).
- tell everyone to go to bed immediately after seer interview giving the traitor a chance to figure out what they’ll say and have a roundtable for breakfast.
In any case, I know what i'll be doing at 830 this evening.
They dump Charlotte, dump Frankie just in case. Hope I'm wrong, but think the seer thing screwed it