All the more remarkable that they commissioned Toxic Town too - a natural heir to Mr Bates that could easily have aired on C4, BBC or indeed ITV.
Two none-more-PSB shows from same writer. Though only BBC could have committed to Adolescence’s single-take creative choice, which wouldn’t work with ads
That’s drama commissioning for you. Mad to think Baby Reindeer aired less than a year ago.
And we had Thorne’s Joy recently, The Hack and Lord of the Flies on the way. 14 ‘upcoming’ JT shows/films according to IMDB including a co-write on Tron 3!
We watched it with all three kids last week and are still talking about it over dinner every night. It just sparked an hour’s discussion at the table tonight. Event television
I was the same - I have a 9 year old son and I knew I *should* watch but was terrified at the thought. Forced myself to watch ep 1 last night and so glad I did. It’s scary as hell but so vital
Two none-more-PSB shows from same writer. Though only BBC could have committed to Adolescence’s single-take creative choice, which wouldn’t work with ads
And we had Thorne’s Joy recently, The Hack and Lord of the Flies on the way. 14 ‘upcoming’ JT shows/films according to IMDB including a co-write on Tron 3!
I've a son too, and it was uncomfortable at moments, but wholly worth it with its messaging.