W h a t?! Is right-either its windmills and now magnets? The ramblings of a Felon..a tired, senile, demented, evil, bigoted old man who stupid, uninformed trump voters decided he could lead America to change😬idiots the whole lot of them!🤬
He's talking about the magnetic catapults they want to put on aircraft carriers that haven't quite made it through DARPA yet.
His brain is smoother than his liver, though, so this is what happened. He's that dipshit rich kid who knows nothing trying to bullshit his way through a presentation.
He heard somebody say something about magnets, blah blah blah, and this is what the rancid mush that passes for his brain ended up with. Not for the first time, either. He's gone off on magnets before. He understands nothing.
Wow! Thanks. That was a an eye opener. Thanks. What a wild way he has of interjecting a fraction of a fact, but in such a word jumble that it just seems crazy.
Somewhere in this twisted tale is information regarding a new launch system being tested on aircraft carriers. Probably not something we need to know and obviously another thing he can't understand.
A lunatic and an Afrikaner nazi run the country. Half the fukstiks living in the place think that is just fine. The other half think the windy wordy demos are gonna beat nazis with paper that has laws written on it. Time to find our tyrannophonoi who can lead the struggle for democracy and justice
Yet he could somehow convince 50% of Americans that Biden is the one who is unacceptable as president because of dementia.
Or 75% if you include those Democrat supporters who pleaded with Biden to step back for a more convincing younger candidate.
In hindsight, Harris was not the best strategy.
His brain is smoother than his liver, though, so this is what happened. He's that dipshit rich kid who knows nothing trying to bullshit his way through a presentation.
It's so far proven not as reliable as the hydraulic systems.
That knuckle dragging Trumpty Dumpty is just discovering magnets...I guess...
Or 75% if you include those Democrat supporters who pleaded with Biden to step back for a more convincing younger candidate.
In hindsight, Harris was not the best strategy.