And then have them look at you like you crazy for worrying about them. I keep telling my 20-year-old knuckle-headed son—MY body created yours! You MY child! 🤌🏾 🤌🏾🤌🏾
Technically, at some point, it's their lives and decisions to make; consequences to face. Easier said than done. But I like to think you do your best and hope they remember everything you taught them.
Facts. I’m grateful my son (the challenger) is an independent & critical thinker when it really comes down to it. He knows I’m going to test his logic so he gotta come with the fire. My daughter is much more laid back. She also tends to share a lot of my rationale…we have similar temperaments.
The older I get the more I understand why my mom is the way she is. I be worried about my moma when she don’t answer my calls. I be checking her location and everything. Makes me remember when I was younger and she couldn’t reach me. I thought she was overreacting but now I get it. 😭