I hope to garner your assistance and expertise in pursuing my life’s mission Ning: Restoring America’s working class folks to prosperity and reforging the Middle Class.We need people with influence and wealth to speak up on the importance of bringing formerly reliable working class allies
back into the fold in order to win future elections. I know what’s it’s like to grow up in dire and desperate poverty. I understand the struggle. We must make those in power, on the Left and the Right, understand it too.
I would like to collaborate and discuss how the Democrats can pivot to crafting policies meant to restore the prosperity of the American Dream to working class Americans disenfranchised by the current system. Its the only path to future electoral victory for the Left.
We must craft a grand coalition of voters by promising to kick WallStreet out of the Housing market, eliminating all denials of care in the healthcare system, and capping profits on price gouging food suppliers. It’s time for the Democrats to win back former allies and deliver real improvements
for average people while continuing to protect the vulnerable. Thank you for your courage and resolve, it’s wholly inspirational and sets a strong example for others to follow.