I wish there was a quick way to just block everyone that comments on a given post. That post as 200 comments and 99% of them are in favor of ruining screen readers.
You know what he could have done? Not left it up for 5 days. He could have taken screen shots and posted them. He could have told his followers not to go "hurr-durr, your screen reader sucks".
That guy immediately struck me as a huge asshole the first time I encountered a video with him. Just an immediate bad vibe. Glad that my instincts were correct.
It was me, but I tried using TalkBack on my Android phone
Only crashed the voice, the screen reader was still working just a bit slower
But the voice only came back if I rebooted my phone, restarting only TalkBack wasn't enough
And I don't need screen readers, I just use to do accessibility tests
urggh yeah i always try to check the actual alt text not just the badge before i repost to make sure it is at least somewhat useful/relevant cos i don't want to end up boosting someone abusing it like this
(While I didn’t actually check the ToS, I imagine a DoS attack on other users would be a ToS violation)
What's even worse, he doesn't use proper alt text on any of his posted images. So the only time he's used it, is maliciously.
Instead, he's a dick. Fuck him.
Only crashed the voice, the screen reader was still working just a bit slower
But the voice only came back if I rebooted my phone, restarting only TalkBack wasn't enough
And I don't need screen readers, I just use to do accessibility tests
Fuck that nugget and his pile of chuds.