The Iron Cross isn't even the point
The point is that you need to understand that X is a Nazi platform
So if you're defending any of it then you're defending a Nazi
The point is that you need to understand that X is a Nazi platform
So if you're defending any of it then you're defending a Nazi
Then these modern Nazis get mad when you educate them. Ignorance really is bliss in their case! 🤣🤩🫂
And it's why I always say blue badges are "Nazi Swastikas", and not just "Swastikas"
C'est la vie
From a source on 🪷☸️
A possible Pali analog would be the word 'sovatthika', meaning 'safe'. This would be broken down as su+atthi+ka.
In Pali, the verb 'atthi' is 'to be'. in Sanskrit 'asti'.
Pali has, 'sotthi', 'safety', also su+atthi.
The guy taught the holy trinity with a clover after escaping slavery at 16.. We could all learn a thing from him 🤣
It's not the symbols that makes them fascists it's the fascism. The hypermasculine embrace of childish magical thinking and bigotry and that they build murder factories.
They aren’t MY symbols. They also weren’t originally the NAZIS symbols.
People can argue about facts all day, but facts don’t change. 🤷♀️
If You walk into a german pub with a nazi cross or a Sieg Heiling the crowd, everyone knows what you are and why you're doing it.
It's not a thing you get to discuss.
Perhaps you’re lashing out at the wrong people.