2024 will go down as the first full year when wind and solar generated more electricity than coal.
Our air and water is cleaner, our electricity is cheaper, and our world is better as a result.
Our air and water is cleaner, our electricity is cheaper, and our world is better as a result.
Great success!
At a 3 degree increase in global warming we'll likely lose half of the world's species.
You wanna celebrate this?
Your anthropocentrism is quite depressing tbh.
the UK moved towards renewables way too fast, imposed punitive taxes on fossil producers, the grid needs massive investment to take intermittent power (batteries/sub-stations etc) and this will take time. Massive hit to the economy and to consumers, it's even worse in germany
the UK used to produce gas in abundance, now imports from faraway US/Qatar and (closer) Norway, all they’re doing is exporting the pollution