That's the hardest topic of all.
It's a total non starter for me. It's been so long since our group met that it's no longer a group. #ttrpg
It's a total non starter for me. It's been so long since our group met that it's no longer a group. #ttrpg
2. Pick a game you want to play, PLAY as a player not GM.
3. Find an oracle - system of answering yes/no questions. Could be coin flip, roll dice or bought lnes like Mythic GMemulator. This replaces the GM by you asking it yes/no questions.
1 = No and …
2 = No
3 = No but …
4 = Yes but ….
5 = Yes
6 = Yes and …
5. Remember you aren’t the GM, you don’t have to plan the adventure, just play & discover - this took me a bit of time to get my head round,fun when u do
Is there … here? Roll on oracle to find out.
Is the orc angry? Roll on oracle to find out.
Is the door locked? Roll on oracle to find out.
But you can play with pretty much any ttrpg you already have. Create a character, or party of characters. Adjust encounter difficulties based on number of characters if needed.