The genders differ in: societal modesty standards, affinity to new tech platforms, likelihood of harassment/unwanted attraction, response to former photographic (s)exploitation, monetary incentivation structures for showing nudity, uneven nudism base rates to start with, …
Nudity is also possible in spaces that aren't private - such as nude beaches or when hiking or camping. There aren't many such, but there are some where it's possible. Nudity outdoors (where possible) is a great experience.
Jasmine, socializing naked with friends is fine - especially if there are more than 2 or 3. But if you find this enjoyable, it might be even more so if you add more to the group. That's what's possible by visiting naturist resorts or nude beaches.
I prefer decriminalisation over legalisation. I don’t think naturism is for everyone. It should be, but for some, nudity is so shameful, they will never accept it. For those who can overcome societal conditioning, wearing nothing should be a valid clothing choice.