Similarly with Uraraka, I find the idea of her with Midoriya or Iida totally boring. I have no interest. Put her with Toga, or Asui, or Bakugou, or Shinsou? 💯
Shinsou/Kaminari is another popular ship that just doesn't make my heart flutter. Both are great characters! But the chemistry isn't there for me. Kaminari with Jirou and Momo? Perfection. Kaminari and Midoriya? I can see it. Shinsou? I don't hate it, it just doesn't do anything for me.
On a similar note: Kazuho and Kouichi sends me to snoozeville. Pop Step is great with Yui, Tamao, Souga, even Makoto! But her crush on Kouichi just seems like admiration and childhood hero worship. Let them be besties, not lovers
But if I WAS going to ship anyone with Knuckleduster it would be Midnight. She appreciates a fine side of well-aged beef. He likes an aggressive woman who doesn't apologize for what she wants.
But I don't ship him with anyone.
He's the type who mates for life. His wife died and he's not going to ever move past that. He's a widower.
Kouichi is a sweetie but not very shippable, IMO.