That’s cool but it’s kind of a disgrace to the whole idea of journalism Hope you guys don’t obey tfg
There are many of us here. Let's do all we can to share information about the protests Monday February 17 starting at Noon at every state Capitol and/or local county seat
I think it’s also because they’ve been on the smaller side but have been growing, from what I’ve heard people were also concerned about the legitimacy of them or whether it’s a tool to cause chaos
Yeah, it's great that people are trying these, but all the ones I've heard of have been with just a day or three lead time—which is fine if you happen to be IN the state capital (or wherever) that they are planning on protesting IN, but kind of short notice for folks who're not anywhere near theirs.
These have been planned for weeks, in the capitol of each state as well as DC. There are so many people interested and involved, that smaller groups are organizing in cities other than the capitols. Check out the subreddit r/50501 for more info if you are interested.
No, no, I understand, I just hadn't seen mention of most of these until just a day or two ahead of when they were scheduled. Probably due to me not being on whatever platform they are discussed.
Which I suppose lends towards the original question of what mainstream media are talking about them.
I’ve seen numerous protest posts with different days organized by different groups. Folks need to start coordinating. Three or four smaller protests have less impact than one large, organized one.
Hmm maybe msm doesn’t want to “lose access” so they kiss the ring. Actually I believe they’ll lose it anyway. Try to appease hungry ghosts at your own risk
The media is with the people,you dont watch it they dont show it. They follow all the socials to see what the story is and we need to start being the story. It is business, we need to start wagging the dog. Sometimes the internet looks like those eyeballs at the end of 1984. Post what you want seen.
I watch DW BBC France24 BR PBS on individual subjects I find information on my own and share. Occasionally find things from India. I see CNN posting more but a big agency can play all over the street. But if people are all talking about something online the new is going to cover it.
If you read one thing today read this latest piece just posted. This one is a very important one. Please consider reading and sharing it with your friends, family, and neighbors. And as always, please share your thoughts and ideas.
It is a corporate decision and if you don't hurt the corporations they don't care. Picket 30 Rock, Block the Entrance to Google Headquarters, dump your tech stocks. That will get press. All those people thinking it will be okay for them need to find out it wont.
It's like a fine... a fine for someone THAT rich isn't really punishment. Take Musk again, for example, even a 50% blow to his net worth and he's still around 200 billion. It's obscene... and it still wouldn't really affect him. He'll still buy his way out.
Obviously it is the lack of unity and leadership is hard to overcome, something populists have. But if the truth is people don't care until it hurts them then it needs to hurt them. Like the Target boycotts, and the Amazon prime cancels. It says we see you....standing behind Trump...and Not Like Us!
I am not talking about Musk, I am talking about all the rich people that think this will only hurt the poor. They all have power they just dont think this is their problem. I dont see that disenfranchised senators have that power and protests in Dem states with Dem govs have little effect.
The problem is that even if a protest, boycott, etc. ends up costing a company a million dollars, or something owned by Musk-like billionaires, if it cost them a billion dollars. The amount those owners are actually worth, even a one billion dollar loss won't be felt by them, so they won't care.
A lot of that wealth is on paper and in stocks. People start effecting the stock market on purpose and it will be felt. Stop sodas, stop streaming, stop Amazon one day shipping. Stop using Paypal. It takes a lot more courage to do those things, but then this becomes everyones problem.
2/ Because it's impossible to boycott everything as they are trying to make monopolies of everything and are eliminating measures to fight monopolies... like actions they JUST recently took. We need new ways to fight.
I'm not arguing with you. The leadership is what makes it stick. Indivisible says that clearly, protests and actions without clear objectives just cause burnout. But cashing out 401ks, which anyone can do, is a big impact item. But people still want to hope that it will be them not hurt, so no unity
I definitely agree with that. People struggle to take the necessary actions lest it cost them more than they're willing to give, all the while people are dying, or going to die, but it's not themselves at risk, so they've yet to take the needed steps.
1/ It's not just about courage to act on these things, it's about the size of it all. I'm NOT saying don't protest or boycott, as we need to, but we also need to find new tactics that will affect them.
Look for facts given to support assertions ('Lawsuits against DOGE are being heard in D.C. District Court today') . Look for lack of internal logic ('the Inspector Generals were fired to prevent corruption'). Labeling, name calling & overgeneralization are good clues to bad information.
You'd think that any media outlet that Trump has banned access to him would cover the other side of things instead. The AP should be documenting these protests to the fullest extent possible. Interviews, boots on the ground in every capital. Make it a whole day feature. Steal Trump's spotlight.
Anyone planning on participating in protests today, please turn your phone GPS off *before* you travel. The Trump Regime has access to the data and will use it to identify and track people who disagree with them. We all know how trigger-happy the First Felon is about the use of martial law.
In Oct 2002, Wash Post buried in the WP Metro Section its story on massive anti-war protests re: Iraq, NOT A1 Front Page. Protesters said WP was ignoring public opposition to War in Iraq, the lack of evidence of WMD in Iraq, said WP was favoring GWB war effort
Why would anyone continue to pay for any subscription service to CNN, MSNBC or other mainstream service if they will not actually cover the news? Cancel your subscriptions. Put your money towards the ones that do!
That is part of it, but the other part is that not all of the military and Pentagon agree with Trump and he knows he can't trust the military. I'm hoping that the Democratic leadership uses that doubt.
The fact that a lot of peole still don't see it is baffling to me.
The mainstream media has been corporate controlled for a while now, so I get it, but peole need to understand this is much worse.
The media is ignoring the citizens, and Trump is now outright stating he's ignoring the rule of Law.
We gotta save ourselves
Which I suppose lends towards the original question of what mainstream media are talking about them.
CNN, others appear to be avoiding the topic (can't lose that Whitehouse access now).
Get on your damn feet America!
Nobody is coming to save us.
This movement is here to stay!
Besides, economic strikes aren’t how you defeat fascism. Violence is. It would more effective to start training those who would defy how to shoot.
If you read one thing today read this latest piece just posted. This one is a very important one. Please consider reading and sharing it with your friends, family, and neighbors. And as always, please share your thoughts and ideas.
And those scumbags then go about lecturing Europeans on free speech. 🤮
Hope you get enough support and that it has real effects.